Pickled Cabbage Recipe: How to Pickle White Cabbage?

Pickled Cabbage Recipe: How to Pickle White Cabbage?

Pickled cabbage which is a strong source of probiotics, has positive impact on intestine health and immune system with its fiber rich nature.

White cabbage is a very strong antioxidant in terms of vitamin B and calcium, the regular consumption of which empowers the immune system. Its pulp prevents the constipation and helps to get rid of edema.

Pickled cabbage takes its important place in our pantry as the best way to preserve white cabbage. It is a great healthy snack idea. Even the little consumption of pickled cabbage on a regular basis, provides a great harmony of useful nutritional intake, including vitamin K, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and probiotics. Click here to learn more about the health benefits of pickled cabbage

How to Pickle Cabbage?

Indeed it is very easy to make pickled cabbage. There are only two ingredients; water and salt. But some other ingredients such as lemon, vinegar, chilly, garic, parsley and so on can be used to enrich the flavor of pickle. These are of course based on the personal preferences. Today we will show you how to pickle white cabbage. Here are the ingredients and step-by-step instructions for making pickled white cabbage at home.


  • 1 medium size white cabbage
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 2 tablespoons of garlic cloves
  • 5 tablespoons of rock salt
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid
  • 1/2 water glass of grape vinegar
  • 1/2 water glass of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of chickpeas
  • Water

How to Make Pickled White Cabbage

pickled cabbage recipe

1- First of all we need to cut the cabbage into suitable parts in order to start pickling our cabbage. In order to do that cut the cabbage into two halves first; then cut the each half into 5 parts.

2- This way we can easily cut our cabbage to around 5-6 cm pieces.

3- Put these white cabbage pieces in a big container to easily wash and drain.

4- Thinly slice one whole lemon.

5- Thoroughly wash one bunch of parsley and put aside (without cutting or chopping)

6- Peel around 20 pieces of garlic and put aside.

7- Now it’s time to prepare the brine. For this transfer 5 tablespoons of rock salt and 1 teaspoon of citric acid in a container and then add around 1 liter of water. Mix the solution until the salt dissolves.

8- Since all the preparations are done, we can start to make the pickle. For that, take 5 liters of glass jar and add 1 tablespoon of chickpeas.

9- Place the cabbage parts into the gar one after another firmly. Add half of the garlic (around 1 tablespoon) when the half of the jar is filled with cabbage pieces.

10- Continue to add the remaining cabbage parts until the jar is completely filled. Then add the remaining garlic.

11- Place the thinly cut lemon slices to the upper sides of the jar.

12- Add the brine, and 1/2 water glass of both grape vinegar and cider vinegar.

13- In order the cut pickle’s touch with the oxygen, add one bunch of parsley to the top and press firmly.

14- All the pickle must be inside the brine. So you can add some more water to make sure the parsley (which is on the top) sinks to the brine.

15- You can use food saver bags filled with some water to provide some weight so that the top of pickle remains inside the brine.

16- Our pickled white cabbage will be ready to consume after 15-20 days after stored in a dark and dry place in room temperature. Enjoy 🙂


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