Potato Roll Recipe

Potato Roll Pastry: Make Filo Potato Rolls

Potato roll pastry is one of those great tasting filo rolls which is great for saving in the freezer. With its freezer-friendly nature, you can bake it right away in preheated oven without having to wait for it to melt.

How to Make Filo Potato Roll Pastry

It is realy very practical to make filo rolls with any filling. You can decide the filling according to your own taste and availability of the ingredients. In this recipe I’ll guide you step-by-step on how to make potato roll pastry.

Ingredients: 3 piece of filo sheets, 5 potatoes, 200 ml milk, 100 ml vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 2 onions, 1 tablespoon tomato paste, 1 tablespoon pepper paste, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon blackpepper, 1 teaspoon cumin, a bunch of parsley.

For the sauce: 200 ml vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 200 ml milk.


1- First of all start with preparing the potato filling. For that boil, peel and grate the potatoes.

2- Then fry two onions in a fryng pan.

3- Add both the tomato and pepper paste along with the spices and mix and set aside.

4- Now prepare the sauce by mixing the sauce ingredients in a bowl.

5- Place the first filo sheet on the table. With the help of a brush apply the sauce homogenously on the filo sheet.

6- After applying the sauce, spread the filling throughout the filo sheet.

7- Now, place the second sheet, on the first sheet and apply the sauce and spread the filling.

8- Then, place the third sheet, on the second sheet and apply the sauce and spread all the remaining filling.

9- Roll the three sheets which are placed on top of each other as a single thick roll.

10- Pour all the leftover sauce on this thick roll.

11-Now place baking paper on the tray.

12- Cut 1 inch pieces and place them on the baking paper, the inner side looking upwards.

13- Bake them in 200 degrees pre-heated oven until golden brown.

Note: If you plan to save them in the freezer, you can stretch film before cutting into slices. But the rolls can be cut into 2 or three pieces so that it can fit in the regrigerator. You can take it out from the freezer as much as you need. Cut into pieces with a sharp knife 1 inch size pieces and bake them right away.


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